Agroforestry is a practical and lowcost means of implementing many forms of. Acceptable species include oak, sycamore and cherry, including 15% fruit and nut trees. Pdf multifunctional shadetree management in tropical. Owing to its large canopy cover and nitrogenfixing ability, a. Management of agroforestry systems for enhancing resource use. In the european union, article 23 of regulation 520 defines agroforestry as land use systems in which. Depending on the type of agroforestry system and the management practices employed, a substantial portion of this fixed nitrogen can be transferred to companion crops and to the soil. To slow down further loss of these resources requires the collaboration of farmers in tree planting in agroforestry systems. Iii integrated farm management iv planting tree crops order v soil fertility management order publisher. Agroforestry systems that provide permanent tree cover can be valuable forest and. T0 manual tillage, t1 light tillage, t2 heavy tillage. A useful short definition of agroforestry is farming with trees. Nair international council for research in agroforestry, p. Agroforestry is a collective name for landuse systems and practices where woody.
Other systems involved the rotation of trees and crops socalled tree. Trees on farms and in forests play a crucial role in confronting some of the most important challenges of our time. Pdf some multipurpose tree species for agroforestry systems. Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland. Vegetative tree propagation in agroforestry training. As such, it plays a critical role in advancing agroforestry to enhance the nations economy and its agricultural landscapes, watersheds, and communities. Agroforestry design for regenerative production is geared toward profitable agroforestry that creates regenerative outcomes. Tree management practices in agroforestry request pdf. Classification of agroforestry af systems is necessary in order to provide a framework for evaluating systems and developing action plans for their improvement. Potential agroforestry systems can maintain or even restore reactive nitrogen nr through biological nitrogen fixation bnf, 500 kg ha. This intentional combination of agriculture and forestry has varied benefits, including increased biodiversity and reduced erosion. Agroforestry is the management and integration of trees, crops andor livestock on the same plot of land and can be an integral component of productive agriculture. Agroforestry, the integration of trees in agricultural activities has the capacity to in crease soil fertility, nutrient recycling, reduce evaporation, and reduce land degradation from erosion, carbon sequestration and improvement of water quality.
In combination the case studies suggest that maintaining diversity in approaches to management of agroforestry systems, along with a pragmatic, undogmatic view on natural. Simultaneously, it can help landowners and society address many other issues facing these lands, such as economic diversification, biodiversity, and water quality. It is broadly defined as widelyspaced rows of trees andor shrubs single or multiple, that create alleyways within which agricultural crops or horticultural crops are produced. It may include existing native forests and forests established by landholders.
The alley hedgerows were a permanent feature, with the crop being grown during the rainy seasons. Agroforestry alternative farming systems information. Some successful uses of trees in isolation are given in table 3. Agroforestry includes both the integration of trees on farmland and the use of agricultural crops and livestock in woodlands. Socioeconomic and environmental benefits of agroforestry.
The most common agroforestry design was alley cropping tree hedgerows with crops planted between the hedgerows. Any dead or useless branches and trunks should be cut and removed for use. Agroforestry is a lowinput system which combines trees with crops in various combinations or. Woodwisdomnet and eranet bioenergy, sustainable forest management and optimised use. Impacts of coffee agroforestry management on tropical bee.
Agroforestry is the practice of combining forestry and agriculture in a mutually beneficial way. Agroforestry, broadly defined as the intentional integration of trees with crops or livestock, is an existing body of research and policy that serves as a foundation for our work. Greater recognition of the role of good tree nursery practices and quality tree seedlings in ensuring sustainable and profitable agroforestry systems is needed. Woody plant resources continue to disappear in anthropogenic landscapes in uganda. Introductory agroforestry with practical pdf book icar.
Table 2 lists some of the best of the nonfood producing trees used in agroforestry. Agroforestry practices have been successful in subsaharan africa and in parts of the united states. The key concept in agroforestry is working trees putting the right tree, in the right place, for the. Management guidelines for valuable wood production in. The cgiar research program on forests, trees and agroforestry fta is the worlds largest research for development program to enhance the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development and food security and to address climate change. Agroforestry can be thought of as working trees planted in strategic locations, and with structural designs to address natural resource concerns and provide a variety of economic and social benefits. Usda factsheets about agroforestry systems and practices, faqs, and usda information contacts. A better understanding of the tree management techniques may lead to greater adoption of agroforestry in the small holder farming systems where poverty rates are high, and land management for food. Species lists, examples, and design worksheets allow the user to use the book as a design workbook for. This manual aims to promote such recognition among researchers.
Some very good foodbearing trees for agroforestry are given in table 1. Removal of trees from landscapes has for long been seen as a sign of. Agroforestry is a collective name for landuse systems and technologies where woody perennials trees, shrubs, palms, bamboos, etc. Aug 01, 2011 agroforestry to balance agricultural production with natural resource conservation. Dec 15, 2019 agroforestry combines three important facets of sustainable agriculture while compensating for tree loss caused by increasing rates of deforestation. The agroforestry handbook agroforestry for the uk how to use this publication the contents page is hyperlinked, select title to jump to page. Agroforestry seeks positive interactions between its components, aiming to achieve a more ecologically diverse and socially productive output from the land than is possible through conventional agriculture. The agroforestry community is provided an opportunity to positively influence the longterm health and sustainability of all lands for future generations. This manual was produced by fao in collaboration with world agroforestry icraf.
Classification of agroforestry systems pdf free download. Its outputs are globally applicable or adaptable tree propagation and nursery management guidelines. These hedgerows can reduce soil erosion, and, when pruned regularly. Management and use of shea and locust bean trees in dagomba. As an alternative to the destructive kainginmaking or slashandburn farming of most upland farmers, agroforestry was. Agroforestry is an approach to land use that combines raising trees together with agricultural crops andor animals. Agroforestry and management of trees in bunya county. Agroforestry has been used as a major strategy to enjoin forest occupants to become partners in rehabilitating degraded forestlands. Agroforestry encompasses a wide range of practices, although the systems we emphasize leverage highly productive tree and shrub crops grown in polyculture with. Tree nursery establishment and tree management training manual for community tree nursery operators and tree farmers by joel buyinza and vincent i opolot national forestry resources research institute naforri p o box 1752, kampala tel. Agroforestry teagasc agriculture and food development.
To manage agroforestry, the trees and shrubs should be cut from time to time. It has been practiced in the united states and around the world for centuries. So, management of agroforestry is mainly harvesting of products. Agroforestry, cultivation and use of trees and shrubs with crops and livestock in agricultural systems. Ecosystem services of agroforestry practices the general model of agroforestry practices considers shrubs crops,perennials, trees. The same treecrop interactions that can make agroforestry systems so productive can also make them unpredictable in new locations. The importance of different tree management practices on agroforestry systems overall productivity is well documented for overall higher yield. Multipurpose trees in agroforestry can yield wood for construction, fuelwood, fodder, and fruits. Each booklet contains simple drawings and is easy to read. It is a flexible concept, involving both small and largesized land holdings. Sustainable agroforestry management needs to conserve or create a. Sandhya tree improvement and genetics division, institute of wood science and technology, malleshwaram, bangalore 560003 india corresponding author. The agroforestry strategic framework pdf, 562 kb is a roadmap for agroforestry services usda provides to landowners through its conservation programs.
Agroforestry definition is land management involving the growing of trees in association with food crops or pastures. In considering the overall productivity of agroforestry systems, it is essential to investigate the. Sustainable agroforestry management needs to conserve or create a diverse layer of multipurpose shade trees that can be pruned rather than removed when crops mature. Agroforestry allows part of the revenue from agriculture to be invested in tree management, improving the quality of the trees and bringing together other benefits such as reduced fire risk. Agroforestry systems may serve as both a source and a sink of reactive n, depending on treecrop combinations and its management practices. In alley cropping, rows of trees are planted closely together between rows of agricultural crops. Titles in the working paper series share interim results on agroforestry research. Interaction between trees and crops in a simultaneous agroforestry system. Cifor leads fta in partnership with bioversity international, catie, cirad, icraf, inbar. Other species can also be considered on a sitebysite basis. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. A basic principle of any agroforestry system is that competition between the plants must be minimized, and complementarity must. Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation traditional.
A companion volume, good tree nursery practices for community nurseries, aims to do the same among farmers, ngos and commu. Agroforestry trees for nutrient cycling and sustainable. Alley cropping is a type of agroforestry that involves growing an agricultural crop simultaneously with a longterm tree crop. Sustainable agroforestry systems and practices in agriculture. This series of five booklets 30 to 40 pages each is useful for agroforestry and soil improvement in dryland areas. Incentives from paymentforecosystem services and certi. Agroforestry is the intentional integration of trees and shrubs into crop and animal farming systems to create environmental, economic, and social benefits. Bhagwat2, damayanti buchori3, heiko faust4, dietrich hertel5, dirk ho. Agroforestry trees for nutrient cycling and sustainable management. Agroforestry is an intensive land management system that integrates trees into land already used for crop and animal farming.
Agroforestry and tenure food and agriculture organization of the. Sustainable agroforestry management needs to conserve or create a diverse layer of multipurpose shade trees that can be pruned rather than removed when. Agroforestry definition of agroforestry by merriamwebster. Agroforestry is a practical and lowcost means of implementing many forms of integrated land management which seeks to reduce human impacts on land, and it contributes to a green economy by promoting longterm, sustainable, and renewable forest management, especially for smallscale producers. Tree crop interactions in agroforestry tree crop interaction in agroforestry above ground interaction figure. Agroforestry af is a dynamic, ecologically based, natural resources management system that, by integrating trees on farms, ranches, and in other landscapes, diversifies and increases production and promotes social, economic, and environmental benefits for land users. Apr, 2008 agroforestry is an appealing option for sequestering carbon on agricultural lands because it can sequester significant amounts of carbon while leaving the bulk of the land in agricultural production. Indigenous agroforestry practices in southern ethiopia. Additional information can be found on the agroforestry strategic framework fact sheet. Trees can increase yields and profitability of crops and pasture the economic advantage of agroforestry comes from its better use of resources, its.
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